Meet Abby (named after my favorite crime fighter - Abby of NCIS fame). My grandson found this tiny kitten in their back yard. Some "wonderful" person had dumped her over the fence along with a bag of chicken bones - how cruel some people are. She was dehydrated and lethargic to say the least. As with most the animals at my house the kitten came to visit and be nursed back to health. She is very active now and you can no longer feel every bone in her body.
I've been avoiding my social networking in the form of facebook and the blog in order to catch up with projects at home. I finished a baby quilt for daughters friend over the week end and I feel pretty good at completing it before the baby was born - due today so we were under the wire.
Not all was easy though - I forgot how hard it is to quilt/sew with a cat around - especially a kitten. Anthing that moves is fair game to include fabric, scissors, thread and needle, foot and hand to name a few. Remembered that I must be more observant about threads too. Can't just let the threads lie on the floor when I miss the thread catcher. Would hate to have Abby ingest it and end up with serious health issues.
Sure there will many kitty tales in the future - for now I'm getting used to shuffling my feet so as not to step on her, shutting the studio door, and not let anything that can be roll, jump, or get out of my site.
She ventured in to the sewing room and has been having a ball checking out all the nooks and crannies. Guess I will have to kitty proof my work area again. Maybe this will spur me on to finally completing the total clean-out and reorganization I've been trying to do since Jan. Glad you like the photos.
Posted by: Lisa | June 17, 2009 at 07:20 AM
This kitty is adorable and how lucky she is that your grandson found her. I too am amazed at how cruel people are. She looks great now.
Nice blog, I love the photos.
Posted by: Helen | June 17, 2009 at 04:05 AM